
Predicting Carbon Capture and Nature Impact in Our Reforestation Projects

Design is an integral part of the technology at Land Life. This crucial phase enables us to discern where to initiate our projects, the perfect blend of trees to plant for resilience, and the methods of planting. Moreover, it provides us with the capacity to predict our impact.

At Land Life, we have developed a prediction model that provides the most locally accurate – and globally consistent – Carbon Capture and Nature Impact Projections available. Easier said than done.

In practical terms, our model facilitates the filtering of independently collected data, forecasts a project’s sequestration ranges, and empowers us to perform project-specific analyses on species composition and densities.

Understanding Land Life’s Carbon Capture and Nature Impact Projection Model

The Carbon Capture and Nature Impact Projection Model operates as a statistical model necessitating specific plant parameters relative to species and the area. A good illustration of this can be seen in Spain. In the northern part, the climate is wet, and everything is lushly green. However, the south experiences a completely different climate, resulting in a different landscape, soil type, and tree response.

One significant challenge we face is identifying the plant parameters pertinent to our target planting site. Our ultimate goal is to predict the specific carbon capture and anticipate potential mortality. Given the correct input parameters, our model simulates tree growth over a set period and how various species interact under specific conditions. This model is data-driven and leverages vast public and proprietary datasets.

The Art and Science of Data Gathering

Optimal data selection is key to localizing our model and securing the most precise results. The model offers us insights into how our forest plantings will mature and allows us to quantify their impact. The main impetus behind the creation of this model is twofold. Firstly, it enhances our plantings by enabling us to assess feasibility and compare planting designs concerning tree species and densities. Secondly, it offers our clients more certainty by providing locally accurate, well-documented projections that can be compared across different projects.

This process necessitates plant parameter data, such as the potential size of a tree, its growth rate, and wood density. Such data is available in resources like scientific papers or public databases like National Forest Inventories. As our planting sites age, we can also utilize our data.

Additionally, we can conduct Site Productivity Assessments in the field. These assessments amplify the precision of our carbon capture predictions. By collecting more accurate growth data and examining sites that are representative of our planting plots, we can optimize our predictions. We also scrutinize existing forest areas near the planting site to evaluate the sensitivity of the species we plan to plant. By thoroughly understanding how they have responded to climate change, variations in conditions, and extreme circumstances in the past, we can predict their future resilience.

A Case Study: Field Assessment in the Burgos Area

One exemplary case was our assessment last year, in which we collected data from the field in the Burgos area. The site productivity assessment we undertook was based on tree and plot data and dendrochronology and soil samples. These assessment results were juxtaposed with our model’s results in terms of annual carbon capture, and the similarities in predictions bolstered our confidence in the model’s representation of reality.

The Impact of our Prediction Model

Our Carbon Capture & Nature Impact Prediction Model enables us to anticipate the influence a project will have. Consequently, we can comprehend both the carbon capture potential and the results for nature in the area. This understanding is instrumental in constructing resilient ecosystems that will eventually foster thriving forests with multiple holistic impacts.