
Land Life joins the EU 3 Billion Trees Pledge

For years, we have been working to restore degraded land in Spain and more recently in Portugal.  Planting trees and revitalizing nature is what we do best. On our mission to restore the world’s two billion hectares of degraded land, we work and collaborate with many different actors to achieve the highest quality reforestation projects that create a host of benefits. One of our main planting hubs is in Iberia, in which we have projects in Northern Spain and Portugal.

At an EU level, more and more attention has been paid to the importance of reforestation to restore nature and bring back biodiversity. This has inspired an initiative, that is starting to gather and inspire many companies, nonprofits, governments, and individuals to join together to ensure high quality tree planting and nature restoration is high on the agenda.

Enter, the 3 Billion Tree Pledge, which commits to planting at least three billion additional trees in the EU by 2030 as part of the European Green Deal.

The pledge aims to promote all reforestation efforts that plant the right trees, at the right time and for the right purpose. To that end, Land Life has been invited to pledge all the trees that have been planted in EU countries since May 20 2020 as part of the EU 3 billion tree pledge.

We are very excited and proud to announce that we are pledging 1,732,153 trees planted in Spain and Portugal since may 2020!

The 3 Billion Trees pledge is the second stage that we have pledged part of our trees, the first being the US trillion trees pledge of 1tree org and we couldn’t be happier with more tree cheerleaders entering the stage to celebrate trees and to connect and empower a European reforestation community.

We are ready to celebrate and to plant many many more trees in the coming years. Together, we can make #3BillionTrees not just a great hashtag but a big European forest.