
Bandai Hills – Ghana

Why plant here?

In Ghana, there has been a long cycle of forest degradation in many different forest types. These are exposed to extensive removals of trees for hardwoods for illegal charcoal production and forest clearing for agriculture and livestock like cattle. The disappearance of these forests is also contributing to the drying up of the river. This means a critical loss of natural resources, crucial to the local community’s socio-economic development.  Although those forests cannot come back without human help, the ground is still fertile enough to restore effectively. We want to mend the damage that has been done so far and reverse the system of degradation into thriving ecosystems full of varied biodiversity.

To start this initiative, Land Life has partnered with EcoPlanet Bamboo to restore an initial 500 hectares of EcoPlanet’s 11,145-hectare West African operation by planting a diverse mix of native species. This partnership will create significant environmental and climate benefits while providing up to 120 members from the local communities with employment opportunities during the first planting season to get the trees into the ground.