

Why plant here?

Iceland is a large area of land, 103,000 square km, with a small population of 360,000 people. Since the arrival of the Vikings, Iceland has fallen victim to some of the worst deforestation globally. What was a thriving green country with roughly 40% tree cover now has only 1%, and is world famous for its dramatic volcanic landscapes. The land in Iceland is severely degraded from relentless agriculture and the volcanic soil, meaning that it is not an easy task to reforest the area.

In 2016 Iceland set the goal of 12% forest cover by the year 2100, aiming to reforest 1.3million hectares in 80 years. It is an exciting area that needs a lot of research into the resilient trees that can survive and thrive there. We have entered into a partnership agreement with the Icelandic Forest service for the afforestation of 500 hectares of degraded land over the next two years.